
Apple released the IOS version 8 and Rolex Replica common market!

June 09,2014. Apple’s annual Worldwide Developers Conference in San Francisco WWDC2014 USA California center Moss (Moscone Center) the curtain. No doubt, the software system is the most important issue WWDC2014 Apple conference, the conference Apple officially released the latest version of iOS system version iOS8, the official version will fall before the official push, estimation and Rolex Replica’s new product to come out, this is also confirmed in the hand.

Great changes have taken place in the last year, Rolex Replica released thoroughly to remould oneself when the whole system, to materialize and high light rendering, into the design style flat and colorful, the conference the new iOS8 extension of the iOS7 style, just based on the original style to do some local and details of the optimization, improve and perfect, more pleasant.

Host level quality and Metal Technology.

Metal technology for A7 chip design, means that iPad Air, iPhone 5S and Rolex Replica can enjoy this wonderful picture. If a picture is the pursuit of the game player for surely there will be unable to hold oneself back to iOS8.

Unreal Engine developer Epic Games made a special trip to demonstrate Metal technology, showing the “Rolex Replica” Demo. The demonstration of Demo in the cherry blossom petals left a deep impression to the person, not to mention the water effect is beautiful and is said to be “fish each have their own AI”. If not witnessed, you simply can not imagine this is a tablet computer can achieve.